Core Skill Training

Cosmetic Acupuncture Course (Level 5)

Our Cosmetic Acupuncture course has been put together using 5 years of intensive research from an acupuncture point of view and also from a Aesthetic point of view.

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TCM Acupuncture Diploma (Level 5)

Our TCM Acupuncture Diploma Course teaches authentic oriental techniques with a basis in TCM Acupuncture.

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Emotional Therapy - Foundation Year (Level 3) or Year 2 (Level 4)

This is a form of psychotherapeutic counselling which has simple but effective techniques to resolve core issues in people’s lives.

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Tuina 1 - Medical Massage - Muscles, Tendons and Soft Tissue (Level 4)

This course gives an introduction to Chinese Massage with standard techniques and concepts which qualify you to work as a Tui-na Medical Massage Practitioner.

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Tuina 2 Advanced Medical Massage - Joint Manipulations (Level 5)

The advanced course takes Tuina further concentrating on many spinal, joint, ligament and tendon manipulations where injuries often occur.

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Seated Massage (Level 4)

Our Seated Massage is taken from Tuina Medical Massage, which originated in parts of Asia becoming fully formulated into schools and techniques in China.

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Indonesian Massage (Level 5)

Indonesian massage is one of the original three types of massage that works with oils. It is a deep tissue treatment using lots of areas of the body as massage tools, such as elbows, knuckles and forearms.

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Phlebotomy (Level 4)

This one or two day Diploma course enables you to learn how to take blood from a client, either to work as a Phlebotomist or to be able to order specific tests to help with resolving client issues.

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Cosmetic Acupuncture Course (Level 5)

Our Cosmetic Acupuncture course has been put together using 5 years of intensive research from an acupuncture point of view and also from a Aesthetic point of view.

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TCM Acupuncture Diploma (Level 5)

Our TCM Acupuncture Diploma Course teaches authentic oriental techniques with a basis in TCM Acupuncture.

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Emotional Therapy - Foundation Year (Level 3) or Year 2 (Level 4)

This is a form of psychotherapeutic counselling which has simple but effective techniques to resolve core issues in people’s lives.

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Tuina Medical Massage (Level 4)

This course gives an introduction to Chinese Massage with standard techniques and concepts which qualify you to work as a Tui-na Medical Massage Practitioner.

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Advanced Tuina Medical Massage (Level 5)

The advanced course takes Tuina further concentrating on many spinal, joint, ligament and tendon manipulations where injuries often occur.

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Seated Massage (Level 4)

Our Seated Massage is taken from Tuina Medical Massage, which originated in parts of Asia becoming fully formulated into schools and techniques in China.

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Indonesian Massage (Level 5)

Indonesian massage is one of the original three types of massage that works with oils. It is a deep tissue treatment using lots of areas of the body as massage tools, such as elbows, knuckles and forearms.

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Phlebotomy (Level 4)

This one or two day Diploma course enables you to learn how to take blood from a client, either to work as a Phlebotomist or to be able to order specific tests to help with resolving client issues.

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Advanced Acupuncture – Fertility (Level 5)

This course not only teaches the best acupuncture points to use with fertility issues, but also supporting treatments and issues to watch such as body temperature, diet and sleep.

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Advanced Acupuncture – The Major Organs (Level 5)

This 2 day course teaches how to choose points in an organ treatment to enable you to improve the functions of the organs in a very strong or gentle way.

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Advanced Acupuncture - The Extraordinary Meridians (Level 5)

The Extraordinary Meridians act like a regulatory system for the body, they store Qi, act as a store for warmth and hold nutrients for the body. Accessing these can supercharge your treatments and move stagnation in a powerful way.

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