Acupuncture Skill Development (CPD)

Moxibustion Therapy (Level 4)

This course is divided into two days, one for Chinese Moxibustion which is more widely used in the Western world, and Japanese Moxibustion which is often done with loose moxa.

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Accelerated Tendon Healing (Level 5)

This Accelerated Tendon Healing course totally unique and not taught anywhere else in the UK. The methods taught massively improve healing times over other methods.

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FastTrack Ear Acupuncture (Level 3)

Auricular Acupuncture is the use of acupuncture points on the ear to treat musculoskeletal or organ and endocrine issues.

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Battlefield Acupuncture (Level 3)

Battlefield Acupuncture is a modern protocol for combating pain fast. It has been shown to have fast, long lasting results for most people with little to no side effects.

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FastTrack NADA Style Addiction Protocol (Level 3)

This is a fixed, set protocol of 10 needles (5 in each ear) to balance key points and systems in the body, combating addictions (e.g. Food, drugs, smoking etc) as well as often being used for emotional disorders such as PTSD.

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Family (Tung) Acupuncture for the Major Organs

This 2 day course teaches how to choose points in an organ treatment to enable you to improve the functions of the organs in a very strong or gentle way.

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Chakra Acupuncture (Level 4)

This course on Chakra acupuncture allows you to access and balance the seven main Chakra energetic centres and systems with acupuncture points.

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Japanese Hara and Classical Pulse Diagnosis (Level 4)

Japanese Hara Diagnosis is one of the traditional ways of diagnosing organ weaknesses by palpation of specific areas of the abdomen looking at temperature, moisture and texture of the skin.  

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Fertility Acupuncture

Covering why couples can't conceive and how to correct this, also supporting healthy baby growth, using acupuncture and other supporting treatments.

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Acupuncture for The Extraordinary Meridians

The Extraordinary Meridians act like a regulatory system for the body, they store Qi, act as a store for warmth and hold nutrients for the body. Accessing these can supercharge your treatments and move stagnation in a powerful way.

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Back and Cautionary Needling (Level 5)

Hazardous or cautionary points are acupuncture points which lay on certain anatomical areas that have cautions listed against them and may cause serious medical injury if performed incorrectly, this includes the “Back Shu” points.

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Chinese Blood Letting – Inc Plum Blossom Hammer (Level 5)

Blood Letting is an ancient technique mentioned in many of the old Traditional Chinese Medicine texts and uses a number of different needles and techniques to release certain issues from the body to the exterior.

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Electro Acupuncture (Level 5)

Electro-Acupuncture is the use of electric frequencies, usually via acupuncture needles into acupuncture points or other soft tissue to enhance the results of the treatment.

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Tianjun Wang Scalp Acupuncture Pt1, 2 and 3

This 3 day course is also available as 1 or 2 days. You can do all three days together, at our centre here in Cheshire.

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Accelerated Tendon Healing (Level 5)

This Accelerated Tendon Healing course totally unique and not taught anywhere else in the UK. The methods taught massively improve healing times over other methods.

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FastTrack Ear Acupuncture (Level 3)

Auricular Acupuncture is the use of acupuncture points on the ear to treat musculoskeletal or organ and endocrine issues.

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Battlefield Acupuncture (Level 3)

Battlefield Acupuncture is a modern protocol for combating pain fast. It has even been shown to have faster, longer lasting results than morphine with little to no side effects.

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FastTrack Addiction Acupuncture (Level 3)

This is a fixed, set protocol of 10 needles (5 in each ear) to balance key points and systems in the body, combating addictions (e.g. Food, drugs, smoking etc) as well as often being used for emotional disorders such as PTSD.

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Back and Cautionary Needling (Level 5)

Hazardous or cautionary points are acupuncture points which lay on certain anatomical areas that have cautions listed against them and may cause serious medical injury if performed incorrectly, this includes the “Back Shu” points.

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Chakra Acupuncture (Level 4)

This course on Chakra acupuncture allows you to access and balance the seven main Chakra energetic centres and systems with acupuncture points.

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Moxibustion Therapy (Level 4)

This course is divided into two days, one for Chinese Moxibustion which is more widely used in the Western world, and Japanese Moxibustion which is often done with loose moxa.

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Electro Acupuncture (Level 5)

Electro-Acupuncture is the use of electric frequencies, usually via acupuncture needles into acupuncture points or other soft tissue to enhance the results of the treatment.

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Chinese Blood Letting – Inc Plum Blossom Hammer (Level 5)

Blood Letting is an ancient technique mentioned in many of the old Traditional Chinese Medicine texts and uses a number of different needles and techniques to release certain issues from the body to the exterior.

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Japanese Hara and Classical Pulse Diagnosis (Level 4)

Japanese Hara Diagnosis is one of the traditional ways of diagnosing organ weaknesses by palpation of specific areas of the abdomen looking at temperature, moisture and texture of the skin.  

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